Ayurvedic Infertility Treatment

Ayurveda is the science of life and nature. Dating back to the ancient times, Ayurveda originated a holistic approach to heal and cure the mind, body and soul of individual that has been in practice over almost 5,000 years for now. There are many health and lifestyle issues for which Ayurveda provides miraculous treatments and helps to overcome it totally even though it may take a little patience. One such issue is infertility that can happen in both men or women due to number of reasons. Sparsh Ayurveda offers the best ayurvedic infertility treatment that offers a combination of natural treatments to help you enjoy parenthood.

What is Infertility?

Infertility has become a growing cause of concern and one of the most common issues found in majority of couples. To put in simple terms, infertility is a biological condition when a person is not able to conceive a child naturally despite of trying with regular unprotected sexual intercourse for 1 year. This can be a problem with females as well as males who might face such issue due to various reasons. Although the some of the main causes of infertility can be stress, tension, food or dietary habits or certain lifestyle habits, it may also be due to inadequate or fluctuating level of hormones in both men or women or it can be trouble to ovulate in women for many other reasons as well.

We at Sparsh Ayurvedic clinic, our aim is to provide the best female and male fertility ayurvedic treatment to overcome infertility issues.

Stages of Pregnancy:

Before going forward to the causes of infertility in men and women, it is essential to understand what are the steps that leads to conception i.e. getting pregnant.

  • Ovulation: To ovulate, a woman must release an egg from any of her ovaries
  • Fertilisation: A male must release sperm that needs to mix with the egg
  • Implantation: Once fertilised, the egg must get attached to the inside of the uterus

What causes Infertility in Women?

Infertility in females is mostly caused by problems with ovulation. Ovulation problems happen when a woman is not ovulating normally or having irregular or no menstrual cycles. It is caused due to many factors some of the major ones are:

  • PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disorder)
  • Blocked Fallopian Tubes
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Smoking or Unhealthy Eating Habits
  • Lifestyle Disorders
  • Stress Factor like Depression
  • Cervical Narrowing or Blockages
  • Being Overweight
  • Unexplained Infertility

There are many instances in which the exact cause of infertility is never found. It is also a possibility that sometimes it might be a combination of factors or other underlying causes leading to infertility problems.

What causes Infertility in Men?

Just like females, even males have many reasons that affect their reproductive abilities. The major reason is due to low sperm count or poor quality of sperm or at times total absence of sperm. Below are some of the causes listed for the same:

  • Varicocele
  • Mumps
  • Trauma
  • Hydrocele
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Genetic Defects
  • Diabetes & other infections
  • Chronic use of alcohol
  • Excessive lifestyle stress
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Excessive Smoking
  • Lack of Vitamins
  • Being Overweight/Underweight
  • Environmental Hazards like radiation, radioactive substances, mercury and heavy metals

How does Ayurveda help in treatment of Infertility?

Treatment for infertility depends upon the cause of infertility. Ayurvedic infertility treatment gives definite answers to address the increasing concern of infertility. At Sparsh Ayurveda clinic, we provide all kinds of ayurvedic treatment for infertility, PCOD, Endometriosis, Blockages in fallopian tubes, uterine mass or disorders and other such causes.

Panchakarma is an age-old tradition that has been practiced in Ayurveda and is very effective in treatment of infertility with proven results. The Panchakarma is a step-by-step detoxification process that includes Shaman, Shodhan, Rasayan and Vajikaran to all married couples planning to have a child. These treatments are coupled with diet that focuses on infertility and forming a healthy body and mind according to the patients dosha as diagnosed.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma Purification Process to treat Infertility in Men and Women:

Uttarbasti (Vasti): Uttarbasti is one of the most effective treatment for treating gynaecological disorders in females. In this procedure, a specially prepared sterile ayurvedic oil is injected into the uterine cavity of the females transvaginal. It is completely safe and painless treatment that is repeated for 3 to 5 consecutive cycles. It helps to improve follicular maturity and endometrium. In case of males with infertility issues, a sterile ayurvedic medicine is passed through the urinary tract to stimulate the process of healthy sperm formation.

Shirodhara: Shirodhara is a relaxation technique in which a steam of warm oil is held over a patient’s forehead over a long period of time. It works primarily on the mental health or ‘Menova Srotus’ as known in Ayurveda. Shirodhara is traditionally used to calm the nerves, harmonise vata imbalance, purify the mind as stress is often found to be the major cause of infertility in both men and women.

Basti: In Basti procedure, enema of medicated oil or decoction is given to the patient through rectum. Basti releases obstructions in the way of Vata dosha and regulates it. The mixture is made with different types of medicated oil, Ghruta or ghee, milk and other ingredients which improves the quality and sperm count of Shukra Dhatu (Semen) in males and Aartava (Ovum) in females thereby controlling the reproductive system.

Vaman: Vaman is a cleansing procedure mainly intended to balance the expulsion of affected ‘Kapha’. It is drug induced emetic procedure that is painless and carried out in Vasant ritu i.e. from February to April. This purification process detoxifies all internal toxins and regularises the hormones including the thyroid gland. It also acts as a stimulant to normalise insulin level thereby decreasing PCOD.

Virechan: Virechan process helps to eliminate body toxins like elevated Pitta. During this, ayurvedic drugs are used to stimulate bowel movement that result in expulsion of doshas through the rectum. Also balances hormone system.

In case you are planning pregnancy and looking for any guidance on ayurvedic infertility treatment, personalised consultation is just a call away!  Consult us today