In Frozen Shoulder, a person may experience pain & restricted motions of shoulder joint. Few may also experience pain from neck to shoulder, painful neck movements, stiffness of neck and shoulder joint.
You’re more likely to have the condition if you’re between the ages of 40 and 60. In Ayurveda it is considered due to Vata dosha. In preliminary stage of the disease where loss or dryness of the Shleshaka Kapha from the shoulder joint occurs. The next stage, that is, Apabahuka, occurs due reduced Shleshaka Kapha and symptoms like shoola (Pain) during movement, restricted movement occurs.

Pain due to frozen shoulder is dull or aching. It can be worsened with attempted motion. The pain is usually located over the outer shoulder area and sometimes the upper arm.
Stages of Frozen shoulder:
- Freezing stage – Shoulder movements cause pain. The ability to move shoulder reduces.
- Frozen stage – Pain may decrease but stiffness increases
- Thawing stage- The range of motion in your shoulder begins to improve.
Causes for frozen shoulder as per Ayurveda:
(i) External causes : Injury to the vital parts of the body (marma) or the region surrounding shoulder joint
Excess exposure to wind, A.C., sleeping with wrong posture.
(ii) Internal causes : Vata aggravating diet and activities. Excess of pungent, bitter and astringent tasting foods.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Frozen shoulder
These methods provide deep heat to shoulder joint, thus reduces shoulder joint pain, stiffness and improves range of motion.
1. Oil Massage (Snehana) : Luke warm medicated oil applied followed Ayurvedic massage given to the shoulder region is usually beneficial. Ayurvedic massage in Frozen shoulder helps in reducing swelling and stiffness in shoulder. It also improves blood circulation in shoulder area which in turns help in healing of the affected muscles, tenons etc.

2. Swedana (Steam) : Herbal Steam is carried in the massage area, this stimulates the nerve endings and improves blood circulation. Heat helps in reducing pain and stiffness.
3. Nasya (Nasal drops): Nasya does have significant effect in this condition as it stimulates the nerve endings in Frozen Shoulder.
4. Basti treatment (rectal enema with oils / herbal decoction) might be required to bring about Vata dosha in Balance.
5. Marma Therapy: Marma are the vital points in human body. There are total 108 marma points. In treatment of Frozen shoulder, we perform stimulation and release of blocked energy from these Marma points to give quick results.
6. Yoga: It plays a important role in complete treatment of frozen shoulder. It helps in increasing range of motions and mobility of your joint.

Book your appointment at Sparsh Speciality Ayurveda for Ayurvedic treatment of frozen shoulder.
Call +91-8097715083 for appointments