Low Sperm Motility – Male Infertility

Low sperm Motility Cause & Ayurveda Treatments

Sperm motility is ability of sperm to move efficiently. Healthy sperms have to travel through female reproductive organ to fertilize the egg for which healthy movement for sperm is required. There are two types of Sperm motility.

  1.  Progressive motility (swimming mostly in straight line or larger circle)
  2.  Non-progressive motility (sperms which does not swim in straight line or swims in small tight circles)

For a sperm to swim from cervix to fertilize a women’s egg they need a minimum progressive motility of 25 micrometers a second. Low sperm motility in male is called as asthenospermia or asthenozoospermia.

Male infertility accounts to almost 40%-50% of all infertility cases. On an average, 7 percent of men suffer from some semen abnormalities. The most common abnormalities can be broadly classified as follows-

  1.  Low sperm count
  2.  Low sperm Motility
  3.  Abnormal sperm shapes
  4.  No sperm count


Sperm health depends on many factors. Most common reasons for low sperm motility are

  1.  Infection
  2.  Injury
  3.  Varicoceles
  4.  Improper nutrition
  5.  Excessive heat


There are no obvious symptoms of low sperm motility. Some men may experience low sexual drive, but mostly this is diagnosed by a routine semen test.

How low motility affects fertility & conception

A sperm has to swim up from the vagina to the cervix and from there to the uterus to the fallopian tube to reach females egg. In Low sperm motility or asthenospermia the sperm would fail to reach the egg and fertilize it, leading to failure of conception, thereby unable to achieve pregnancy.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Low Sperm motility

Ayurvedic approach is more holistic then target oriented. The main aim in low motility is to improve sperm health. Many herbs like Ashwagandha, Kapikachu, Vidari are helpful in treating male infertility. The following protocols of Ayurveda and Panchakarma helps in treating, low motility and low sperm count cases, in male infertility –

  1.  Shodhan: Cleansing / Detoxification is the primary step for any fertility treatments. Its helps in removing toxins (aam) from the body and also increases the absorption of nutrients from food.
  2.  Rasayan: The word “Rasayan” means attaining excellent rasadi dhatus. It helps in optimum quality and quantity of rasa dhatus, which ensures that all the tissues in the body will be naturally nourished properly. It improves micro-circulation in the body thereby producing good quality body tissues.
  3.  Vajikaran : Aphrodisiac ayurvedic medicines is advised depending on the patient’s condition.
  4.  Diet: Food plays an important role in nutrition of the body. Diet planning depending on the patient’s needs is advised


Start your ayurvedic treatment for low sperm motility and low sperm count by ayurveda medicines and panchakarma treatments. Visit us and start your planning. Book your appointment at Sparsh Ayurveda, Navi Mumbai today.

Call +91-8097715083 for appointments